Friday, November 23, 2007

Greeting from Midge

Midge the Friendly Surfing Kookaburra is laughing to us all,

"I thought our website would be a good place to launch my attempt to build some bridges in our country, to generate a real well considered sense of community.

In the last week of the 2007 election Howard borrowed a phrase from Keating,
Howard said that when a country changes governmeant - governing with meaning, that the country changes.

All us unique Australian creatures on election night 1972 had a big shindig,
we came to the consensus view that we wanted to know from you the Australian people,
now that you have changed governmeant,
how exactly you wanted our country to change?
And what about our country you wanted to keep the same?

So Iike Rudd I was elected on November 24,
not by the people to lead the country,
but by Australia's unique creatures to ask you the Australian people these pertinent questions.

So I've left my gum tree,
and rather than tire myself out by flying the breadth of our vast land,
I've taken up surfing, not only surfing the ocean waves,
but surfing the waves of the Internet,
as our country surfs the wave of the global economy
just like I'm doing now -

Surfers of the Internet,
we want your visions for Australia,
we want to know what issues are of most concern to you,
as our new government surfs the waves of the global economy,
we want to know how you want our new Rudd government to address the important issues in these challenging times,
we want to hear your voices laughing along the bush telegraph of the broadband cable,
laughing all the way from the surf of Cronulla to our epicentre of democracy Canberra.

Write your visions for Australia and send them to me at

And on this blog, we'll build a rolling scroll of your visions for Australia, a historical document if you like, created for posterity.

Be my friend and tell me your thoughts,
the more of you who do,
the more emphasis our project will have with the pollies in Canberra,
& the more secure us unique Australian creatures will feel.

I'm Midge,
Midge your Friendly Surfing Kookaburra
signing off from Cronulla Beach."

Written by
Midge the Friendly Surfing Kookaburra
for 'Unique Australians United'
beyond the black stump, Australia.

Friday November 30

Vision 9 & 10

I want people to be proud to be Australian. I don’t like the idea of duel passport holders, I have reservations about enclaves of people who laud their previous nationality as being of superior importance to their current one- be they Jewish, Italian, Lebanese, etc

I don’t like unwarranted criticism of our country as ruthless and backwards when we are the fastest growing democracy with the strongest economy per capita in the world. I do, however, sympathise with the need to mend the global "divide-" I don’t think a percentage point of a country’s GDP will achieve this, but close liaison with 3rd world countries administrations, the implementation of a proper checks and balances system in such places, the disbanding of large pharmaceutical companies penchant to "trial" their products on African children- this 'exploitative mindset' NEEDS to change- I want our country to lead the charge.

I want an Australia that perpetuates the theme of "choice."
Australians should have the right to choose which school to send their kids, which houses to buy, what type of hospital cover they prefer, how to invest their own money, and most significantly freedom of vocational movement- that is, a choice as to which occupational opportunities they assume. Small government and free market economics may be "buzz words,"but they remain the key reasons Australia can boast KPI's such as:

Unemployment rate: 4.3 per cent
Interest rate: 6.75 per cent
Economic growth: 4.3 per cent
Stock market: 6390 points
Australian dollar: US87.5 cents
Surplus 2007 Budget: $10.6 billion
Growth in real net national disposable income per head over the past five years: 16 per cent
Days lost in industrial strikes/action: Lowest since 1913
National greenhouse gas emissions: 559 million tonnes (2005)

If these benchmarks can be improved or even maintained under Rudd, then Australia is in safe hands.

On foreign policy, Australia is in an enviable position- probably its best ever. Howard was foreign affairs master- reading the play with Brett Ratten like ingenuity, striking crucial trade deals with developing super-powers India and China, whilst reaching a veritable MFN status with the US. This was whilst our capricious regional neighbors, in particularly Indonesia, begun to view our nation as a beacon of democracy in a region of instability. The delegation of troops sent to the Solomon Islands, East Timor, our massive contribution to the Tsunami disaster etc all symbolises a multi pronged, diverse, sympathetic regional policy.

Again, our crucial intelligence sharing deal with the US and a favourable FTA have left our little nation with a legion of powerful friends. This is where Rudd's past stint as a diplomat becomes crucial. I doubt the ALP can better Australia's foreign policy achievements under Howard, but the maintenance of the status quo is absolutely crucial going into the next decade.

Josh Kaplan from
Talking Carlton

Blue Bird responds to Josh on Talking Carlton
(it's indicative of their running dialogue)

That's it Josh - I can take you channeling Greg Sheridan but when you compare Howard to Carlton coach Brett Ratten you go too far.
The only similarity between the two is the rodent connection. (Ratten’s nickname is Ratts.)

...anyway for what its worth here is my vision:

I want a country where the economy is important but we are also a just society. Just sitting back and letting the markets have free rein is a recipe for disaster.

I want a country that celebrates its diversity and doesn’t stigmatise/demonise people who do not fit the wasp mum and dad behind the white picket fence.

I want a country that still has a few remaining areas of wilderness.

I want a country where its citizens are – to paraphrase Dr King – judged by the content of their character and not the colour of their skin.

I want a country where community services (particularly those involved in the welfare of children) are adequately funded and resourced.

I want a country that does not blindly follow the US in to illegal, foolish wars.
Wednesday November 28

Shared Vision - (Vision 8)
An Australian soapbox conversation from the folk of talkingcarlton

Big Kahuna Boot

“To own a house on a 1/4 acre, and have a kingswood in the driveway!”


“Any concrete Aboriginals in the picture BKB, couple of greyhounds perhaps?”

Kaptian Kouta

“And a tyre swan!”

Bluedog (yells)

“I want Collingwood to travel more, and a fair and even AFL Competition. After all, Mr Rudd is all about the 'fair go'.”

The Duke

“I want my country to make the hard decision, the decisions that are
right although publicly un-popular.
I want my leaders to represent this country with dignity and class and not to abandon its friends and allies when the going gets tough.
I want our leaders to act swiftly and decisively and stand by its decisions.
I want the rights to choose which organisations I want to belong to when I enter my workplace.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want people to understand that the original land owners need our
help, and will do for generations to come. That isn't their fault, but nor
is it ours.”



“The right for our children to live in as great a country as we do
without first having to clean up the mess we've left them with.”


“Good Duke! I agree with all of your points.
I want to excercise my democratic right to vote or NOT without being fined or having to turn up to right flower off on the ballot paper..
I want to see people able to marry regardless of sexual preference.
I want to see the tax burden removed from the middle class to the rich, by aligning the top PAYE rate with the corporate rate.
I want to see no tax on the first 30K indexed with inflation to give low-income earners a chance to get ahead if they put in the effort.
I want to see increase tax on consumption rather than earning to encourage investment and saving.
I want to see real debate on Nuclear Fusion with Helium 3 as an alternative energy rather than instant dismissal because it contains the word nuclear (this is different from current nuclear methods that produce harmful contaminants/waste)”


“First and foremost I want Australia to be a country that people are proud to say 'I am Australian'. I want future generations to be patriotic (in a logical way). I don't want the question of 'what nationality are ya' to be around for future generations. Why do people feel that this is something that is asked often? Why can't people say 'I am Australian' without being answered with 'ya don't look like one' - or 'but what about your parents' etc etc. I want multi-culturalism to work but not have 'ghettos' or areas that are dominated by cultural groups who don't really consider themselves to be Australian and always talk about the 'homeland'. Lets be proud of who we are, what we have and lets progress together as one country, one group of people, made up of many different backgrounds.

I don't want people in 50 years time having family disputes about marrying a 'skip' rather then someone of their ancestral background. That is simply pathetic & disgraceful.

I want Australia to be a country that makes brave decisions about important issues such as climate change. Take the big step and lead, don't be led.

I want anyone that works two jobs not to be taxed at a higher rate on the second job, reward hard workers, don't penalise them.

I don't want Port Phillip Bay dredged (sorry off topic but came to mind)”


“I agree with the Duke!

I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.
I want a Republic and a new flag that represents all Australians with a parliament elected President.”


“Me, I just want a republic with me as President For Life. Bugger democracy.”


“Don’t start on the flag again please, I don't want to view the 'alternative' designs - I've just eaten. If we have to become a republic I agree about parliament choosing the pres.”

Deano Supremo

"Here's the new flag!"

Vision 7

My vision for Australia is that we become a prouder nation. We stop looking deep into the past to find things wrong with ourselves, and start looking at everything that's right with us. And then look at everything that can become great into the future.

I want an Australia that continues to give opportunities to anyone who works hard enough.

A nation that values our great natural environment but one that realises the reason it's there, for us to tread the fine line between protecting it and being resourceful. But to always maintain it so our children's children can see the natural beauty of parts of Australia.

I want Australia to maintain its sense of community, sense of humour and strong family values.

I want all children to get a quality education that teaches them the basics of reading and writing and how we got to where we are today.

I want us to rely less on our government to look after us and more on our family and friends and if need be, charities who can become our family and friends.

We need to continue being the nation who loves sports and the outdoors; a nation that each summer heads to the coast and each winter heads to the tops of mountains.

Australia is the best country in the world, we need to keep it that way.

Camsmith from

Vision 6

A nation where our natural wealth allows us to provide quality public services such as health and education services to everyone - regardless of their personal wealth.

A nation where we don't rant and rave about how people should integrate, but where we provide an environment where they want to integrate.

A nation where we reject exploitation of each other and the rest of the world - particularly for material gain.

A nation that is cohesive, not divisive.

Mr Q from

Vision 5

I want an Australia where you are not judged by the colour of your skin, or your background, just on talent, ability and human kindness.

I want an Australia where those less fortunate, are not seen as a burden, or a personal financial impediment, but embraced and helped to enjoy the freedoms I do.

I want an Australia where the guardians of this great land can achieve a similar health care and a life expectancy similar as my own.

I want an Australia where those that make a mistake are not pilloried.

I want an Australia where people remember the mistakes of their own youth.

I want an Australia where religious intolerance does not pre-judge very human being

I want an Australia where an eye for an eye, does not make everyone blind.

Dudley from
Tuesday November 27

Vision 4


I want an Australia that stops trying make up for the "wrongs" of the past and looks to the future. Reconciliation is a sad attempt to make a select few sleep easier at night and should be abandoned. Instead we should aim to bring the living standards of Aboriginals up to that of other Australians and ensure they have the same opportunities.

I want Australia to recognise Homosexual relationships, in the form of civil ceremonies and benefits. But not marriage.

I want Australia to continue (and strengthen) its relationship with our allies.

I want an Australia that protects those who delivered us "the lucky country"- the elderly. And the future- our kids.

I want an Australia to reward those who work hard and are successful. Stop robbing the rich and giving to the lazy.

I want an Australia in which politics are not influenced by religion.

I want an Australia in which the health and education policies of a political party are talked about more than it links to dying unions or the question of leadership.

BUGZ from

Vision 3

Oh where do I start!

I want an Australia where those who can't afford to have a house, are able to access cheap accommodation.

I want an Australia that allows people the right to choose to die, should their own health deteriorate in such a way that they have no quality of life left to live.

I want an Australia that respects the history of it's first citizens, respects their rights to land and is compensated in such a way that reflects the pain they have suffered for the last 220 years.

I want an Australia that is progressive enough to respect the rights of those who are not heterosexuals, and respects their life choices.

I want an Australia where the little people are given the opportunity to be where and what they want to be.

I want an Australia that has education and health systems that aren't driven by the dollar signs, but, about the best possible outcomes

Pazza from

Vision 2

I want us to feel proud again, I want to be able too tell people that I meet overseas that I'm Australian and feel proud rather than embarrassed of being Australian.

I'd like to see us reconcile with our indigenous citizens and I'd love to see the gap bridged between black and white life expectancy. The return of the fair go and in general a return to living in a society, not living in an economy!

I'd also love to see us become a republic sometime in the next 2 decades...

Juddism from

Vision 1

We are one
We are many
I am
You are
We are Australian

Oh wait...wrong board. Personal vision for Australia? I want us to lose the selfishness, to help each other once again without asking for something in return, to accept we are different and that we all need to live here and if we are fighting then we aren't making Australia a strong defendable place

I want us to utilise our own citizens , train them , educate them and employ them, if it takes 3 years or 10 years to give someone the skills to be able to step away from one job and into another then do so. Pop riveting door panels for 42 years is not the way a life should be led, teach them how to put in window glass.

That's 2 off the top of the head
PC from

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